This is the hilarious moment a couple’s gender reveal photoshoot descended into hysterics after they discover they got it wrong.
Audrina Lee and her partner Aslan Hollier were filmed as they stood in a field holding a smoke flare to reveal the gender of their baby on March 17 in San Marcos, Texas.
When lit, the smoke flare releases either pink or blue smoke depending on whether the couple is expecting a boy or a girl.
Footage shows a pregnant Audrina holding a flare which starts shooting out pink smoke and she begins to scream with joy while holding Aslan’s hand.
Audrina Lee and her partner Aslan Hollier were filmed as they stood in a field holding a smoke flare to reveal the gender of their baby on St Patrick’s Day in San Marcos, Texas

Once the photoshoot is over Audrina then asks the photographer Jamie if she can see the piece of paper from her doctor showing that she is pregnant with a girl
The couple jump up and down with glee as a photographer takes pictures of them.
Once the photoshoot is over Audrina then asks the photographer Jamie if she can see the piece of paper from her doctor showing that she is pregnant with a girl.
She is handed the piece of paper by her friend but the group seem to have some confusion over how to decipher the doctor’s message.
Jamie and the friend read out that the ‘sex assigned at birth is female’ but Audrina looks closer and says: ‘That’s about me!’ before descending into hysterical laughter.
She is bent double with her laughter and can barely contain herself as she realises she still has no idea what the gender of her baby is.
Aslan stands looking completely baffled.

Once the photoshoot is over Audrina then asks the photographer Jamie if she can see the piece of paper from her doctor showing that she is pregnant with a girl

Aslan stands looking completely baffled as though in shock from this revelation while Audrina erupts into laughter. The group finally manage to find the right part of the piece of paper and photographer Jamie reads out that the sex is ‘99.9 per cent male’
The group finally manage to find the right part of the piece of paper and the friend finally reads out that the sex is ‘99.9 per cent male’.
Audrina erupts into more peals of laughter as she clings on to Aslan to keep her upright.
A confused Aslan doesn’t know what to do but seems overcome with joy at the news.

Luckily the photographers also had a blue smoke flare with them so they were able to give that to the couple and get pictures showing the correct gender reveal
He starts to jump up and down in the air as the pair of photographers shout: ‘I’m so sorry!’
Luckily the photographers also had a blue smoke flare with them so they were able to give that to the couple and get pictures showing the correct gender reveal.
Audrina posted the hilarious video to TikTok on March 28 with the caption: ‘Our gender reveal photoshoot didn’t exactly go as planned… and I can’t stop laughing’.
The hysterical clip has already been viewed 55,000 times.
Read More: DailyMail